ASCII2TAP Overview
The ASCII2TAP Roaming component is used to create TAP files from
ASCII input files (presumably generated by a pre-existing rating/billing
system). It utilizes a module-based architecture with a common
backend (a library inside ASCII2TAP) responsible for TAP encoding, and one
of a set of modules acting as a frontend. These modules (DLLs under Windows,
shared libraries under UNIX OSes) provide the "reading" and "mapping-inside-TAP"
logic for a specific ASCII format.
For an extended description of ASCII2TAP you can download the
whitepaper from here.
Features - Usage
Input files can follow many different formats - fixed width files
with one call record per line, delimited files with character or
strings as delimiters, etc. Input data might not even come through ASCII
data files, but through databases or sockets or whatever other input source.
To cope with this diversity a module-based architecture was engineered in ASCII2TAP,
which allows any kind of input to be read and mapped inside TAP files.
The modules are written in the C language, and can thus use whatever
library to read data from a multitude of sources and place them inside TAP trees.
This design provides optimality in speed of execution, portability and extensibility.
ASCII2TAP's interface is shown below:
Usage: ASCII2TAP <options>
Where mandatory options are:
-ims inputMappingSpec.dll
(the DLL/shared object performing the mapping)
-i inputASCII_Filename
(input ASCII filename, passed on to the DLL)
-o outputBERFilename
(output BER filename)
and optionally:
When the DLL finishes update AuditControlInfo and make it consistent
output version number
increase verbosity (you can use it more than once, e.g. -vv)
this help message
Besides the obvious input and output file arguments, the particular input module
is also provided through the "-ims" command line argument. It is this DLL/shared library
that reads and maps the data read inside the newly created "outputBERFilename".
If the optional "-fixup" argument has been passed, the TAP file's AuditControlInfo
structure will be updated with all the appropriate information before saving.
The component returns 1 if the exporting process failed for any reason, or 0 otherwise.
The complete source code for a sample input format is provided together with this
component (bundled also inside the trial version) together with a Makefile (for UNIX
environments) and Visual Studio 8 project files (for Windows). You can thus easily verify
that the mapping API provided covers all your needs. Again, read all about the mapping
extensions here.
Source code generator
To assist the creation of the input modules, a source code generator is provided.
This code generator can create all the "reading" part of the code, based on a simple
XML file describing the input data. You can easily review the code generator's
functionality, since it is bundled inside the trial version.
To be more precise: In both the trial version and the retail version, a sample project
is provided that maps ASCII data to MobileOriginatedCalls. In the provided sample project,
the code performing the reading and mapping is
stored in two .c files, SimpleMOCinput.c and simpleMOCinput.logic.c.
The first one performs the reading,
while the latter one stores the data read inside the TAP tree.
The first one is also the largest one, and quite error-prone; this
is why we created a Python-based code generator to automatically handle
the writing of this code. Naturally, you can use the API on your own
(see include/AsciiAPI.h) and ignore this code generator if you so wish.
You could, however, end up spending time coding and debugging something better
written by machines...
To use this code generator, you must specify the input file format
in an XML file. Our sample converter was based on codeGen/SimpleMOCinput.xml
parts of which you can see below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<FileSpecification Name="SimpleMOC" Description="Simple MOC input specification"
<Record Name="HEADER" Prefix="10">
<StringField Name="SENDER" Length="5" Mandatory="true" DefaultValue=""/>
<StringField Name="RECIPIENT" Length="5" Mandatory="true"
<DateField Name="FILE_CREATION_DATE" Length="6" Mandatory="true"
DefaultValue="" Format="%y%m%d"/>
This XML file is then processed by our code generator:
bash$ cd codeGen
bash$ parseInputFormatXML SimpleMOCinput.xml
After executing these commands, you will see an "auto-src" directory appear
under codeGen, containing three files:
- SimpleMOCinput.c
This file contains all the reading logic for files adhering to the format
specified in the XML file (SimpleMOCinput.xml).
- SimpleMOCinput.logic.h
This file contains the structure declarations for all the different record
types specified in the XML file (SimpleMOCinput.xml).
- SimpleMOCinput.logic.c
This is the file the developer fills with the mapping logic - the boilerplate
has already been written by the code generator. You can see how we enriched
this file for the purposes of our sample conversions in
Once your particular input format mapping module is written, you can "glue"
this component with a simple script monitoring a directory (perhaps an output directory
from one of your mediation devices), and automatically convert it to TAP3.
The simple but complete interface allows chaining this module with existing processes and
systems or using it in conjunction with other modules to provide more complex solutions
for your installation.
Depending on the complexity of your ASCII format, you might find the provided
source code adequate for your needs. For any additional functionality, do not
hesitate to contact Semantix for a custom, optimized implementation driven
by your input format.