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The TAP2XML Roaming component is used to create XML files from TAP3 input files (presumably received by another PMN or generated by some other system). It generates files in exactly the same XML format as that produced by Roaming Studio (the XSDs for this XML format are here).

There are many reasons one might wish to convert TAP files to an XML format: conversion to an ASCII format for easy review (even from a text console), editing in ASCII and converting back to TAP (through XML2TAP), etc.

Online demo

Click here for an online demo.

XML format

The XML format used is the same one used by Roaming Studio:
  • The first node after the root node (TAP3File) is DataInterChange.
  • members of CHOICEs and SEQUENCEs are stored in nodes named after the variable names that provide access to them
  • members of SEQUENCE_OFs are stored in nodes named after the contained type names
  • INTEGERs and OCTET_STRINGs are stored as character data (BCDStrings are first converted to simple ASCII representation).


TAP2XML's interface is shown below:

Usage: TAP2XML <options>

where options must include:
        -i   inputTapFileName
and optionally, any of:
                output version number
                outputXML (if missing, report goes to stdout)
                this help message

There is only one mandatory option, the input TAP file to process.
Here is how a sample 3.10 TAP file begins in its XML form:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<TAP3File mjVersion="3" mnVersion="10" xmlns:xsi="">

The main node (TAP3File) stores the TAP version in the "mjVersion" and "mnVersion" attributes.


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